⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I bought several wine totes as gifts but this one I kept for myself. It is amazing and truly special item for girls night out!" - Mary K.
The Marine Faux Fur Wine Tote
This winter and holiday season, elevate your entertaining with our Wine Tote, crafted from luxurious faux fur in ten beautiful colors and lined with waterproof RuggedTex™ for durability. Whether used at your bar, displayed on the dinner table, or given as a thoughtful hostess gift, this tote adds a touch of elegance to every gathering. Built for both style and practicality, it’s the perfect accessory for celebrating the season in comfort and class.
- Web Straps
- Spot Clean
- RuggedTex™ Navy Lining
All Pretty Rugged products are machine washable, please follow our cleaning instructions to ensure safe cleaning.
For all apparel and blankets:
- Machine wash cold with delicate detergent
- Tumble dry on lowest setting (preferably air dry setting)
- No iron
- No bleach
- Dry clean if you prefer
Oversized Tote:
Spot clean only.
Pretty Rugged values itself on ultimate luxury which is carried through from product inception to leaving our warehouse. All Pretty Rugged items come with our beautiful signature ribbon. The ribbon is a tribute to founder Tracy Slocum and every pretty rugged person living their version of The American Dream.
Care instructions included. The majority of our products are available with monogramming and are perfect for corporate gifting.